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Leadership Series

Posted by Meg Bear on August 19, 2010

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about leadership and scale.  How do successful leaders of large scale organizations, think about talent and leadership.

Here at TalentedApps we talk  (and think) a lot about business leaders.  What do business leaders need from their teams?  What do they care about?  How do they make it happen?

and then it occurred to me…

I know a lot of strong leaders here at Oracle and I could ask them.

and just that fast, a new blog series was born!

Over the next few weeks I’ll be posting interviews of leaders at Oracle, to share some of their thoughts with our community.

For those of you who think this is just some lame excuse to avoid writing my own blog topics, or to have an excuse to better know people at Oracle, I say…

you got me!

So now that you are on to my tactics, and I’m mentally referring to you as smartypants, hit me with the comments on some of the burning questions you would like me to ask.

One Response to “Leadership Series”

  1. There’s a lot of indication that our organizations are broken. Check out Don Tapscott’s latest discussion based on his upcoming book. The future looks bright for smaller, more agile, collaborative organizational models — see http://www.managementexchange.org/. Oracle, however, is huge and growing. It seems like the Fusion team manifests these future organizational model aspects, but how does a large organization like Oracle manifest agility and collaboration elsewhere? How will Oracle innovate in things like: selling, consulting/implementation services, marketing and what advice to your execs have for others?

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