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Posts Tagged ‘web2.0’

Wine me, dine me, make me write bad checks

Posted by Meg Bear on June 25, 2008

While the title belongs to Dad, the story is all my own. 

As most of you know we are having our OHUG user conference this week in Las Vegas.  What you might not have known, was that this also Ravi’s birth week and since workplace worth is gauged by birthday celebrations, the team made a point to take him to dinner and celebrate. 

Now, being overcharged is not note worthy in Las Vegas, I was not really surprised to be charged $30 to have a bowl of oatmeal and a coffee delivered to my room.  Inflation is a reality these days.  Even the airlines are charging for luggage.  Cost of oil, low value of the dollar, unemployment rates, casinos need to protect their profits somehow.  I get it.  

While planning the event, [of course, done by Vivian*] we found we needed to have the cake delivered from a nearby bakery.  The restaurant (which I would never name) was kind enough to receive the cake and bring it over with candles after dinner, so we could all sing.  They then took it back and cut and served it with a very nice presentation, that included a rectangle plate and a cute chocolate squiggle design on the extra white space.  We all exclaimed at how great everything was and proceeded to enjoy a very nice cake.

After receiving (and closing one eye to sign) the bill, we all went back to our hotel, very satisfied with our pleasant evening.  We were thankful to Ravi for growing a year older and to OHUG for bringing us all together to celebrate.  On the way home, I began to puzzle about how our tab could be so large and decided to look more closely at the bill.  It was then that I found we were charged $15.00 EACH for that cake.   Not for the cake itself (we paid that separately), nor for delivery (we absolutely paid for that as well).  Nope, that charge was just to cut and plate the cake.

Not only did this restaurant rip us off for cake cutting services, turns out they also performed magic.  When Vivian asked them for the rest of the cake to take home, they said [with a straight face] that it was all gone.  Really?  You cut a square cake in 11 equal pieces?! 

I guess I should look at this that $165 + tax is a small price to pay to be reminded of caveat emptor.  I fully recognize I should have thought to ask about a fee.  I also believe that they should have mentioned a charge when we arranged to have the cake delivered.  In the end, it’s all fair I guess, since I got a chance to share my story on the blog. 

More proof that web 2.0 really does break down barriers.


*thanks again Vivian — you rock! 

Posted in personal, web2.0 | Tagged: | 2 Comments »

Web 2.0 in HCM

Posted by Amy Wilson on January 31, 2008

I hesitate to use the term web 2.0, as it will probably be out of vogue in a month or two.  Nevertheless, the concept of web 2.0 (or collaborative tools) will grow as a business model and personal requirement in the coming years.  It is helpful to define how this applies to HR …

HRWorld just published an article on this topic –> Human Resources 2.0

Here’s what I think:

The term “Web 2.0” refers to the rapidly changing way people use the internet as a way to communicate and achieve outcomes.  When the web was first introduced, it was very flat and did not lend itself to the way people actually interact.  While it did provide many benefits such as posting and sending out content quickly to a global  workforce, web usage was limited.  It was top-down, passive, and one-size-fits-all.  Meanwhile, the workforce is full of individuals with individual interests. The tools in the Web 2.0 arsenal appeal to individuals as they are collaborative,  personalized, and agile.  Such tools include interactive blogs, collaborative wikis, social networking, tagging & bookmarking, and RSS feeds.

Web 2.0 tools may be used in conjunction with traditional HR solutions for maximum benefit.  For example, employee development has long been an area of interest to HR.  Traditional solutions involve the establishment of development goals based on personal and business needs, coursework targeted toward those goals, and new assignments to test out what has been learned.  By adding Web 2.0 tools to these traditional solutions, HR can significantly enhance the development experience.  Employees can leverage communities in identifying goals, depend on colleague ratings and reviews when choosing coursework, share informal tips & techniques, and subscribe to an RSS feed to jump on upcoming opportunities.

Web 2.0 capabilities serve HR organizations in two important ways.  First, is at the micro-level.  These capabilities stand to improve the effectiveness within HR itself.  As with any organization, HR can leverage the collaboration tools and techniques to improve its own efficiency, idea-generation and goal achievement.  As a result, HR may elevate its appeal as a place to work – attracting individuals that think strategically and like to work in such an environment.

The second way Web 2.0 serves HR is at the macro-level.  Assuming that one of HR’s primary goals is to create a highly engaged and highly performing culture, web 2.0 tools can be leveraged in a broader sense.  By embracing these tools, HR can facilitate increased interactions, relationships and collaboration amongst its leaders and employees thereby increasing morale and retention.  Beyond just facilitating, HR can also leverage these interactions to elevate its strategic importance.  For example, HR leaders can identify pivotal talent based on relationship, response, and output data.

Web 2.0 provides HR organizations with tools that can elevate the engagement level of the workforce, which in turn increases customer service levels, innovation, and profitability.

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