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Wide Open Spaces

Posted by Marcie Van Houten on November 25, 2008

Colorado Trail

I feel like I’ve rushed a sorority and I now have to complete that one final embarrassing thing that gets me totally into the group.  TOTALLY!  So here comes my “9 things you might not know about Marcie” post.

  1. I’m a morning person.  Once when I was recovering from jet lag and back home in my flat in San Francisco, I secretly loved that I was waking up at 5 am and not able to get back to sleep.  I’d slip out the door and walk around the neighborhood, watching the shops slowly come to life and the bread get delivered at the local grocery store. 
  2. My least favorite holiday is New Year’s Eve and one of my favorites is New Year’s Day.  I think for a similar reason as #1.  It’s the start of something new and fresh.  All wrongs from yesteryear are forgotten and forgiven and there’s so much potential for the next year.  I get excited just thinking about it.
  3. “Dress Up” was my favorite game growing up.  High heeled shoes, bangles, make-up, fancy dresses and fake fur shawls.  I never liked playing with dolls much, but boy, give me a box of costume jewelery and I was in heaven.
  4. My first real kiss was at a church camp weekend.  So, yes, it’s a good idea parents to volunteer to chaperon.  And that’s all I’m saying.
  5. When I first moved to San Francisco at the age of 26, I forced myself to drink coffee and wine so I’d acquire a taste for them.  How silly is that?
  6. I went to more schools between Kindergarten and Senior year than there are grades.  Really!  We moved around a lot when I was growing up and thus many grades were split between 2 schools and sometimes even 3 once when we lived in Iran.  Yes, you read me right, Iran.
  7. I am a rule follower.  Though I really wish I had more rule breaking in my blood, so I like to have friends that push me out of my comfort zone so I get to experience life for a while on the other side.  Plus, it’s just more fun over there.
  8. I’ve completed several Olympic distance triathlons.  Great experiences which taught me how to swim, bike and yes, even run, but I do not consider myself a triathlete and don’t intend to do another one.
  9. I love to go 4-wheeling in the Colorado mountains on steep and rocky trails.  I was going to buy my own machine this year even, but I had a baby instead.  I even had my then 2 month old out on the trails though we rode behind and stayed on easy and safe terrain.  This picture is from a ride the previous year.

I wish you all good mornings, happy new years and wide open spaces on the trails ahead.

7 Responses to “Wide Open Spaces”

  1. Amy Wilson said

    I think I knew the “following rules” item which is why it is great that I *accidentally* told you the rule was to write 9 things when it is actually 8. You’re welcome!

    Thanks for sharing, Marcie!

  2. Marcie Van Houten said

    Well, the rule follower in me is also pretty thorough. I checked back over the past several “about me” posts and saw that some had 8 and some had 9 and thus it was fine either way. So I went with 9.

  3. Amy Wilson said

    That’s awesome!

  4. Meg Bear said

    We are really soul sisters I think. I had to marry someone who doesn’t follow any rules to attempt to protect myself from being too boring. My 3YO is quick to tell me that “Daddy and Me are Brave” so even she is on to me!

  5. J said

    Wow, this blog is now a whole community now! i keep seeing new ‘8 things…’ posts every time i visit. Good going!

    “…Yes, you read me right, Iran…”
    A rich, ancient civilization and culture. And great food! Sad how things turned out for that country in the past few decades.

  6. Jus said

    I think “Dress Up” was my favourite game growing. And costume jewellery *still* brings a sparkle to my eye!

  7. […] don’t have the best grasp on (or respect for) grammar, and yet I love to blog.  No problem, my team has my […]

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